Thursday, April 30, 2015

Fish in the Water

This year we were offered an awesome opportunity to participate in Swim Central. One  of the top (if not the top) causes of childhood deaths in Florida is drowning, so when this opportunity came up, we jumped on it. For two weeks we took 14 students ranging from Kindergarten to Fifth grade to a half hour swim lesson everyday. SO EXHAUSTING! The kids loved it and we got to see them improve so much over the course of the two weeks and so it was totally worth it. But let me tell you how hard it is to attempt to teach deaf kids how to swim when their faces are in the water, their eyes are shut, and they don't have cochlears or hearing aids on...I was going home and taking a nap every afternoon and then drinking an extra two cups of coffee just to make it until 11:00pm when it was acceptable for me to go to bed for the night. :)